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"Automobile race" Vladivostok - JUzhno-Sahalinsk-Vladivostok ", 2000. Route: Vladivostok - Khabarovsk - Vanino - Holmsk - JU-Sahalinsk - Vladivostok Time in a way to Sakhalin: 3,5 day Vladivostok - Khabarovsk Khabarovsk - Lidoga - Vanino (Baths - on an adverb of natives and repairmen of a line). Up to Lidogi - otmennyj a site gostrassy Khabarovsk - Komsomol'sk-na-Amure 215 kms. Site because of which majority of reasonable people travel sea, zh/d or an air transport - Lidoga - Vanino 350 kms (is present about 15 kms of asphalt). Five basic moments to which should be paid attention:
So on 2 … km of a line Khabarovsk - Komsomol'sk-na-Amure takes place to be turn. Without indexes. Let you are not confused with an asphalt covering. It is short asphalt. Get used to gravel, a dust or a dirty if the line is humidified from the sky. You quickly will understand, that such the present repair of road, with use of serious engineering and will feel as you is humiliating small vnedorozhnik. On these sites do not try to cut off corners and "to punish" impudent KAMAZ. You can afflict. A little kind and quiet music will distract you from monotonous and unpleasant driving. Recommended speed 5-10 km / hour. Saying: " speed - less holes there is more ", has horoshoe continuation … " and works to mechanics … ", - recollect, - whether the mechanic you? Which sites repair not has not touched so are dangerous but "to saw" on them for 100 kms / ch does not cost. Otherwise your transport can become animal-drawn. The line abounds quantity(amount) of artful holes, turns and enormous quantity(amount) of sharp stones which as if have specially undermined(sharpened) before your arrival. MMC "Pajero" with which we have done a return part of a way has managed thus to spend all stock of wheels (3 sht). We have left one of our wheels on a hole. Probably under water there was not absolutely equal surface. Whether it is necessary to speak, that when we vyyshli it(him) to change priipustil a rain. We became more malicious, but is little bit accurater. After the first pass the road on an extent almost 50 kms goes along the river. Are possible(probable) selevye shody. To miss each other about 70 kms / ch which have jumped out on speed the timber carrying vessel on narrow deaf(indistinct) road, - that can be more romantic. Do not sleep behind a rudder!!! Up to the big pass, about 180 kms, the road is worse, than after him(it), therefore competently distribute(allocate) forces with the partner. It(he) can take a great interest in beer. And to become worn out. You not remind it(him), that one behind a rudder. On pass it is possible to have a bite, knead kostochki and to admire on Sihote-Alin'. 50 gramme of "Vodka" under a good table will make your mood correct and will allow to look at the world more widely and freely. Do not hasten. Eat and behold. After pass appreciablly it is better, be accurate, gravel is not known, that at you polnoprivodnaja with the machine, - and to know does not want. To take off from him(it) it is easy and unpleasant. The truth ditches after pass more flat, - in a wood you will move down equally and beautifully. The following dangerous site begins after the third prevala, and after a site (5-6 kms), we shall not be afraid etigo of a word collocation, - asphalted road. It(he) can weaken you a little. In common people - "clay". Semicircular road. After a rain or during him(it) to move it is possible only on the centre. A step in left, a step to the right: attempt to flight. Will enter in rov, as a knife oil. We left 2 times. The first have left, having developed(unwrapped) the machine practically perpendicularly to road. Second time of us pulled "Kamaz". Do not hope on lebedku - circle only a grass and a rare, thin bush. If, certainly, you have not put in a luggage carrier brevnyshko - sometimes it can replace so-called "plough". This site of a line can become even more opposite if you will get on him(it) in the evening days Include all your "fixtures" and, yes the god will help you. The city cemetery on a course of road means that yours mytarstvam the end has come and you have reached(achieved) city - hero Vanino. The hotel to be near to entrance to port, her(it) you will accept any local resident. In the summer in it(her) it is populous enough. However, in your number there will be a hot water. The machine is the best way for throwing on parking at entrance to port. In the same place In can discuss with protection a question on entrance to port on a contract basis (about 100 roubles), they will prompt you where and how to issue konosament (the document for transportation of yours avto on the ferry). The ferry: "Sakhalin - 6" or "Sakhalin - 10", or any another with the same name goes anyhow. A wind, the sea, weather, you understand, - there is nobody to expostulate. Time of a ferry from 13 till 18. Depending on that somebody will refuel soljaroj whether or not. If yes that the ferry goes on one engine and it is necessary to be guided by the second figure, - if is not present, you travel, as on the express train of all for 12 hours. We recommend to take an interest at the passenger assistant in cabins on a main deck. They always are. In hold it is stuffy and it is populous, except for that you lose a kind on the sea. Holmsk - JU-Sahalinsk - 85 kms Do not forget on the ferry personal things. Pay for congress from the ferry (150 rub) and forward. You on primordially Japanese grounds (with 1905 for 1945). After the previous site - before you simply highway. More cautiously on Holmskom pass, - it(he) is beautiful, but dangerous&. Good luck.
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