Completed routes:
"Pokatushki" in suburb of city - searches of a constant place for "pokazushek" - " indicative pokatushek ". (Gallery) |
"Ice Trofi" (Gallery) (map of a route, Photo of ITAR-TASS)
The photo-report about " Ice trofi " from Kesha
The photo-report about " Ice trofi " from Misha (Toyota Surf) |
The unnoficial report of New Year and New Millenium celebrating in a taiga. The truth about a holiday. (Gallery) |
Single trophy-raid to the Shkotovskoe Plato in winter (Gallery) |
"Shkotoplato" trail , November, 18-19, 2000 (Gallery) |
Khasansky area trail, October, 21-22, 2000 (Gallery) |
River "Krivaya" trail , September, 22-24, 2000 (Gallery) |
Automobile race " Vladivostok - Yuzhno-Sahalinsk-Vladivostok ", 2000. (Gallery) |
© Shatoon, Vladivostok, 2000-2015 info@shatoon.ru