Completed routes:
"Pokatushki" on r. "Curve", September, 22-24, 2000.
"Bezdorozhnaja" the part of a route has made about 50 kms.
General extent of a route has made about 400 kms.
Time of passage "bezdorozhnoj" parts of a route - about 16 hours.
Automobiles participated: - Toyota Land Cruiser BJ-60, 1982 - further - "Wanderer"
- Toyota Land Cruiser BJ71, 1987 - further - "Bear"
- MMC Pajero, 1994 - further - "Padzhero"
- Toyota Blizzard - further - "Kid"
- Korando - further - "Pencil"
As the abundance of fords is possible to note the basic feature of a route, depth up to 1.2 m. "Chesspiece" "pokatushek" was, that from 4 (and then and 5) participating machines only one could be named concerning prepared to overcoming fords. Nevertheless, " nobody has sunk ". Probably, the God dzhipperov has forgiven us - " on first time ".
As have each other found in full darkness - till now not clear... |
The first ford - fine, wide and photogenic... |
After that there was a mud site, with deep kolejami |
In a place of the maximal ford water "Wanderer" reached a cover of a cowl. |
Nahodchane the first have shown a way of overcoming of ford "back to front". |
71 - j "Bear", having overlooked to include a mode "4õ4" has vigorously reached to middle of the river where has safely got stuck. |
The crew of "Bear" courageously struggled for survivability of a vessel. |
"Kid" has passed the given site effectively, but without adventures |
Further there were any more very terrible fords which were overcome quickly and cheerfully |
Sometimes from the party(side) it even reminded vodnomotornyj sports. |
Remembering manuals of crew of "Pencil", tried to keep about the main reference point - lines LEP |
The "Pencil" following ahead with a significant separation, it was possible to catch up eventually... After they have lost a forward drive |
Soon after that "Wanderer" has lost a forward drive also. |
After short rest, hours in 18 "have again started moving". |
Almost at once have reached ford through already completely not big, but, nevertheless, still spiteful "Curve". |
Participants of automobile race were involved with a smell of solar oil, strujka which by thickness in a pencil and was found out on road. |
After the pass "Straw" was overcome also a surface to the touch began more - less equal, having forced rechku, have risen camp. |
After breakfast were set further. |
Having pasted on poverzhennogo " the friend on impassability " a firm label, were not kept - were photographed for memory. |
All site from the river up to surburbs with. " The Gold Valley " in not urgent rate of hour for 2.
It is necessary to notice, what we have a little deviated the planned route - on pass "Straw" we have turned not on the left how it planned, and to the right … I now think - can be, zrja?
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