Completed routes:
"Pokatushki" on hasanskomu to area, October, 21-22 2000 year
"Bezdorozhnaja" the part of a route has made about 25 kms.
General extent of a route has made about 400 kms.
Time of passage "bezdorozhnoj" parts of a route - about 6 hours (with repairs and smoke breaks).
Automobiles participated:
- Nissan Safari dlinnobaznyj
- Nissan Safari korotkobaznyj
- Nissan Terrano
- Toyota Land Cruiser BJ71, 2 piece.
- MMC Pajero, 1994
- Toyota Land Cruiser 40
- Isydzy Bighorn
The main achievements: 1. Experience in firing for effect on lateral glasses moving "Bighornov" is received.2. It is found out, that at appropriate management "Terrany" can fly. Some time.3. Became obvious, that the group of 8 machines without radiofikatsii at all is not controlled.4. Appeared, that water in the sea still completely not cold for bathing.
Such beautiful, "otdyhatel'nyj" a route. Now it is possible and on bogs SHkotovskogo a plateau on November thin ice?
© Shatoon, Vladivostok, 2000-2002 info@shatoon.ru