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"Pokatushki" on "SHkotoplato", November, 18-19, 2000. "Bezdorozhnaja" the part of a route has made about 70 kms. In detail under the circuit of movement it is possible to look on a card(map), using the mentioned below information: 059-brevno 15,40 km General extent of a route has made about 400 kms. Time of passage "bezdorozhnoj" parts of a route - in a direction "there" - 1.5 days, in a direction "back" - 3 hours. Automobiles participated:
The main conclusions on action: Lesson 1. Lesson 2.
The group, moving the first, except for it, should have:
Lesson 3. So, SHkotovskoe the Plateau. At a meeting the settlement " New Moscow " at 9.00 had people absolutely not familiar hitherto each other to which should go on conquest SHkotovskogo the Plateau. In time have recollected about GPS - the valuable device was at crew "Sjurfa". Some not especially disciplined participants (long "Safar'" ? "Blizzard") were late for the whole hour on action. And the whole hour per conditions of short light day is rather essentially. Well anything, next time late we shall not wait simply or we shall be "penalizirovat'". Pending "late" people had a good time - overcame an obstacle found on entrance on SHkotovskoe the Plateau. The first real difficulties have begun already after a mark "brevno" (see a card(map)). In general, the area Shkotovskogo of the Plateau in summertime generally is accessible only to caterpillar engineering. Driving on a frozen bog is tiresome, but absolutely predicted&. But present, that here will be in the spring! By the way to tell, 2 weeks prior to action we left in this area on investigation. It was possible to pass all of meters 8 begun bogs to tear a cable on lebedke "Safarja" and to lose on overcoming of these zloschastnyh 8 meters, but already in the opposite direction, hour 2 precious times. This time all was on another - thank frosts. Cheerfully jumping up on hummocks, the column crept on road, places almost equal from frozen ice on pools when suddenly the left part 60-?? with a gnash has broken ten-centimetric korku ice and on bridges has plunged into a liquid dirty. " Safar' " has gone to the aid, but also it(him) the bowl sija has not passed. As speak, have failed beautifully, from what party(side) do not look. All would be simply wonderful, if process "izymanija" machines from, I am sorry for a stamp of times of conquest of Arctic regions, " an ice captivity " has not resulted in deformation of a radical sheet of a forward left spring up to such degree, that "ser'ga" appeared flatwise prizhata to a frame, the bridge - is distorted also a protector rested against a wing. With the help of the jack enclosed(laid) under a place of a bend of a spring, 7 "dzhipperov", creating additional loading, having got up on "lip" forward bampera and such mother a spring it was possible to result in more - less "human" kind. However, after that case for me as for the owner of this "injured" motor transport the further trip was literally trip on my nerves. Very much it would not be desirable to remain after the next hummock absolutely without the bridge... Having oriented on a card(map), the column was set further. The trees laying across road have even more often started to meet. Gullies places it was necessary "gatit'" but also after that they represented the certain complexities for movement. By the way, as to "Deliki" - with honour has stood all tests, almost her(it) and did not pull. To tell the truth, on any strange coincidence of circumstances, at once after "pokatushek" the owner of her(it) has successfully sold. After crossing the Humpbacked Key (a mark on a card(map) "kluch") the road became even worse. Next day it was possible to pass from a place of a lodging for the night (a mark on a card(map) "nochev") about 5.5 kms. In pair places it was necessary to do(make) corduroy roads - small and big. The fallen trees barred the way literally everyone of 100 m., it was necessary to saw much. The column frequently stopped, giving the participants who have been not borrowed(occupied) directly in process of "file", a fine opportunity to communicate. It is dear it was finished by impasse. A return part of a route have passed already in darkness, on "nakatannomu" and "napilennomu" - all for three hours. info@shatoon.ru |